2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference21 - 25 September 2020
Chairman & SIAM LiaisonDr. Jeremy KepnerFellow, MIT Lincoln LaboratorySenior Advisory Board ChairRobert BondCTO, MIT Lincoln LaboratoryTechnical ChairDr. Albert ReutherMIT Lincoln LaboratorySenior Advisory BoardProf. Anant AgarwalMIT CSAILProf. Nadya BlissArizona State UniversityDr. Richard GamesChief Engineer, MITRE Intelligence CenterJohn GoodhueDirector, MGHPCCDr. Bernadette JohnsonChief Technology Ventures OfficerMIT Lincoln LaboratoryDr. Richard LindermanASDR&EDavid MartinezAssociate Division HeadMIT Lincoln LaboratoryDr. John ReyndersVice PresidentAlexion PharmaceuticalsDr. Michael StonebrakerCo-founder SciDB and Vertica; CTO VoltDB and Paradigm4Publicity ChairDan CampbellMITCFP Co-ChairsDr. Patrick DreherMITDr. Franz FranchettiCMUPublications ChairProf. Miriam LeeserNortheastern UniversityAdministrative ContactRobert AlongiIEEE Boston SectionWeb Contact:Kathleen BallosBallos Associates Web Designkathleen@ballos.com