In the interest of everyone’s safety, IEEE HPEC 2020 will presented as a virtual conference.
2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference 21 - 25 September 2020
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Prof. Stanley Ahalt Renaissance Computing Institute Dr. Hameed Badawy New Mexico State University Prof. David Bader New Jersey Institute of Technology Prof. Keren Bergman Columbia University Prof. Jay Brockman University of Notre Dame Prof. Luca Carloni Columbia University Prof. Ayse Coskun Boston University Prof. Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dr. Patrick Dreher NC State Prof. Alan Edelman MIT Math Prof. Franz Franchetti Carnegie Mellon Prof. John Gilbert UC Santa Barbara Prof. Sigal Gottlieb UMass, Dartmouth Dr. Azzam Haidar Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville Prof. Martin Herbordt Boston University Dr. Chris Hill MIT EAPS Prof. Steven Johnson MIT Math Prof. Ajay Joshi Boston University Prof. Andrew Lumsdaine University of Washington Dr. George Kalb Johns Hopkins University Prof. Michel Kinsy Boston University Prof. Ashok Krishnamurthy RENCI Dr. Piotr Luszczek Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville Prof. Raj Rao Nadakuditi University of Michigan Prof. Brent Nelson Brigham Young University Prof. Nikos Pitsiansis Aristotle University Prof. Viktor Prasanna University of Southern California Prof. John Quackenbush Harvard University Prof. Martin Rinard MIT CSAIL Dr. Sadasivan Shankar Harvard University Prof. Anthony Skjellum Auburn University Prof. Rich Vuduc Georgia Institute of Technology Prof. Seung Woo Son UMass, Lowell Dr. Scott Yockel Harvard University Prof. Wei Zhang University of Louisville


Dr. Muthu Baskaran Reservoir Labs Darius Bunandar Lightmatter Dr. David Cousins BBN Technologies Dr. Massimiliano Fatica Nvidia Dr. Joshua Fryman Intel Hahn Kim Lockheed Martin Bruce Kinney Raytheon Company Dr. Manoj Kumar IBM Dr. James Lebak The MathWorks Dr. Richard Lethin Reservoir Labs Michael Lucas Northrop Grumman Corporation Craig Lund Local Knowledge Dr. Timothy Mattson Intel Michael McCollister Northrop Grumman Corporation Janice McMahon EMU Technology Dr. Jose Moreira IBM Dr. Brooks Moses Google Richard Murphy Micron Donald Peck The Jackson Laboratory Dr. Fabrizio Petrini Intel Frank Pietryka Raytheon Company Steve Reinhardt D-Wave Systems Dr. Tom VanCourt Akamai Technologies Dr. Lucas Wilson Dell


Dr. Paul von Allmen Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech Masahiro Arakawa MIT Lincoln Laboratory Mark Barnell USAF Air Force Research Laboratory Dr. Richard Barrett Sandia National Labs Dr. Larry Bergman Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech Peter Boettcher MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Aydin Buluc Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Dr. Chansup Byun MIT Lincoln Laboratory Daniel Campbell MIT Dr. Douglas Enright The Aerospace Corporation Dr. John Feo Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Dr. Vijay Gadepally MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Karen Gettings MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Maya Gokhale Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory John Grosh Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Dr. William Harrod IARPA Dr. Kurt Keville MIT ISN Dr. Kyungjoo Kim Sandia National Laboratories Dr. Scott McMillan CMU Software Engineering Institute Dr. Sanjeev Mohindra MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Paul Monticciolo MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Julie Mullen MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Albert Reuther MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Darrel Ricke MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Siddharth Samsi MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Ronald Scrofano The Aerospace Corporation Dr. Tyler Simon Laboratory for Physical Sciences Brian Sroka The MITRE Corporation Dr. Tai-Ching Tuan Laboratory for Physical Sciences Dr. Michael Vai MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Timothy Weale DoD Dr. Michael Wolf Sandia National Laboratories  
Dr. Ray Artz Dr. Dennis Braunreiter Dr. Ian Dunn Michael Harris Dr. Robert Lucas David Ngo Dr. Robert Pettit Dr. Sharon Sacco Dr. Phillip Sementilli Prof. Russell Tessier
William Bent, Jr. Dr. Keith Bromley Dr. Richard Gerber Dr. Daniel S. Katz Dr. Elias Manolakos Stephen Paavola Prof. Mark Richards Dr. Jag Shag Dr. Dana Sinno Dr. James Waggett
Mr. Robert Bernecky Dr. Jay Culliney Joe Germann Dr. Brian Loe Eric Pancoast Craig Sather Dr. Gary Shaw Dr. Hendrik Spaanenburg Dan Wells