Virtual Conferences

Conferences have evolved significantly with regards to virtual/in-person/hybrid formats.  In addition to public health concerns, several other factors are sustaining this evolution:

  1. Many institutions are coming under carbon net-zero mandates.  A typical in-person conference attendee produces 3 tons of CO2 which is 3x their annual CO2 allocation.  The aggregate global contribution of meetings/conferences to global warming is comparable to the annual emissions of the entire USA (see:  Virtual conferences reduce CO2 impact by over 90% and going virtual is one of biggest/easiest things we can to do address climate change.
  2. In-person meetings can be difficult for people with physical limitations, family obligations, and limited financial means.
  3. Shifting to a virtual format has significantly increased HPEC participation and lowered costs.

For these reasons, and others, HPEC has become a virtual conference.