HPEC 2023 Agenda

All times are EDT (UTC/GMT -04 hours)

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:30-11:00am Session 1-K: Session 2-K: Keynote Session 3-K: Keynote Session 4-K: Keynote Session 5-K: Keynote
11:00am-12:15pm Session 1-1: Session 2-1: Graph Analytics & Network Science 1 Session 3-1: AI / Machine Learning 2 Session 4-1: Case Studies & Benchmarking 1 Session 5-1: Quantum & Advanced Processor Architectures
12:15-12:30pm Break Break Poster Session 2-P (12:15-14:15) Break Tutorial Session 3-T (12:15-15:45): Spiral Tutorial Break Poster Session 4-P (12:15-14:15) Break Poster Session 5-P (12:15-14:15)
12:30-1:45pm Session 1-2: Session 2-2: Graph Analytics & Network Science 2 Session 3-2: AI / Machine Learning 3 Session 4-2: Case Studies & Benchmarking 2 Session 5-2: ASIC/FPGA Advances & Design Tools 1
1:45-2:15pm Break Break Break Break Break
2:15-3:30pm Session 1-3: Session 2-3: Graph Analytics & Network Science 3 Session 3-3: AI / Machine Learning 4 Session 4-3: Case Studies & Benchmarking 3 Session 5-3: ASIC/FPGA Advances & Design Tools 2
3:30-3:45pm Break Break Break Break Break
3:45-5:00pm Session 1-4: BRAINS – Building Resilience through Artificial Intelligence for Networked Systems Session 2-4: AI / Machine Learning 1 Session 3-4: Scaling HPC Education Session 4-4: General Purpose GPU Computing Session 5-4: Advanced Multicore Software Technologies 1
5:00-5:30pm Break Break Break Break Break
5:30-6:00pm Session 1-K1: Keynote Session 2-S1: New Application Frontiers Session 2-S2: GraphBLAS BoF Session 3-S1: AI / Machine Learning 5 Session 3-S2: Open SuperComputing Session 4-S1: AI / Machine Learning 6 Session 4-S2: Graph Challenge Session 5-S1: Advanced Multicore Software Technologies 2
6:00-7:30pm Session 1-S1: LLMs: Opportunities & Challenges

Monday, September 25

1-4: BRAINS – Building Resilience through Artificial Intelligence for Networked Systems Session (15:45-17:00)

Co-Chairs: S. Pisharody

Invited Talk: Integration of Effort in National Cyber Defense
Lt. Col. Dr. Sean Atkins (US Air Force)
Zero Trust Architecture Approach for Developing Mission Critical Embedded Systems
Michael Vai, David Whelihan, Eric Simpson, Donato Kava, Alice Lee, Huy Nguyen, Jeffrey Hughes, Gabriel Torres, Jeffery Lim, Ben Nahill, Roger Khazan (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Fred Schneider (Cornell University)
Optimizing a Distributed Graph Data Structure for K-Path Centrality Estimation on HPC [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Lance Fletcher (Texas A&M Univ.), Trevor Steil, Roger Pearce (LLNL)
Hardware Root-of-Trust Support for Operational Technology Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructures
Peter Moore, Alan Ehret, Michel Kinsy (STAM Center, ASU)
Deployment of Real-Time Network Traffic Analysis using GraphBLAS Hypersparse Matrices and D4M Associative Arrays [Outstanding Paper Award]
Michael S Jones, Jeremy Kepner, Andrew Prout (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Timothy Davis (Texas A&M), William Arcand, David Bestor, William Bergeron, Chansup Byun, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Hayden Jananthan, Anna Klein, Lauren Milechin, Guillermo Morales, Julie Mullen, Ritesh Patel, Sandeep Pisharody, Albert Reuther, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Peter Michaleas (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

1-K: Keynote Session (17:30-18:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

The Future Of Supercomputing in an AI World
Steve Oberlin (NVIDIA CTO for Accelerated Computing)

1-S1: LLMs: Opportunities & Challenges Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: V. Gadepally

Invited Talk: Legal Opportunities and Challenges
Lt. Col. Dr. Andrew Bowne (USAF)
Invited Talk: Information Extraction for Models
Dr. Mike Cafarella (MIT CSAIL)
Invited Talk: Crafting a Legislative Framework for the Age of Generative AI: Insights from ChatGPT
Justin Curtis (Chief of Staff, Sen. Feingold)
Invited Talk: Legal Aspects of Generative AI
Dimitrios Ioannidis, Esq. (Roach, Ioannidis & Megaloudis, LLC)

Tuesday, September 26

2-K: Keynote Session (10:30-11:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

Mission Critical: Power of Operationalizing Data & AI
Eileen Vidrine (Dept. of the Air Force Chief Data & AI Officer)

2-1: Graph Analytics & Network Science 1 Session (11:00-12:15)

Co-Chairs: M. Barnell & X. Sun

Focusing and Calibration of Large Scale Network Sensors using GraphBLAS Anonymized Hypersparse Matrices
Jeremy Kepner, Michael S Jones (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Phil Dykstra (HPCMP DREN), Chansup Byun (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Timothy Davis (Texas A&M), Hayden Jananthan, William Arcand, David Bestor, William Bergeron, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Anna Klein (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Lauren Milechin (MIT), Guillermo Morales, Julie Mullen, Ritesh Patel (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Alex Pentland (MIT), Sandeep Pisharody, Andrew Prout, Albert Reuther, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Tyler Trigg, Charles Yee, Peter Michaleas (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Parallel Longest Common SubSequence Analysis In Chapel
Soroush Vahidi, Baruch Schieber (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.), Zhihui Du, David Bader (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)
Exploiting Fusion Opportunities in Linear Algebraic Graph Query Engines
Yuttapichai Kerdcharoen, Upasana Sridhar, Tze Meng Low (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
Parallel Clustering with Resolution Variation
Nikos P Pitsianis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki), Dimitris Floros, Tiancheng Liu, Xiaobai Sun (Duke University)

Poster Session: 2-P (12:15-14:15) Poster Session

Chair(s)/Host(s): C. Long & TBD

Photonic Accelerators for Image Segmentation in Autonomous Driving and Defect Detection
Lakshmi V Nair, David Widemann, Brad Turcott, Nick Moore, Alexandra Wleklinski, Darius Bunandar (Lightmatter), Ioannis Papavasileiou, Shihu Wang, Eric Logan (Corning)
Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training Co-design with the Dynamic Opera Network
Connor Imes, Andrew J Rittenbach, Peng Xie, Dong-In Kang, John Paul Walters, Stephen Crago (USC Information Sciences Institute)
Similarity Computation based on the Tails of the Rank Distributions and the Related Graphs
Cecilia Bolea (Romanian Academy), Mike Teodorescu (Univ. of Washington), Silviu Bejnariu, Daniela Gifu (Romanian Academy), Horia Teodorescu (Technical Univ. Iasi), Vasile Apopei (Romanian Academy)
Automated and Waterless Cleaning of Solar Panels using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Machine Learning
Sahaj Dargan, Abhinav Vaddiraju, Ayush Singh, Jigyasu Pant (Vellore Inst. of Tech.)
Accuracy Analysis of Hotel Review Information using Machine Learning
Abu Asaduzzaman, Md Raihan Uddin, Ghana S. Kutala, Yoel Woldeyes (Wichita State Univ.)
Big Data Opportunities in Production Records at Air Force Maintenance Depots
Braden Eichmeier (US Air Force)
Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cybersecurity within the Internet of Things
Mayur Rele (Parachute Health), Dipti Patil (Univ. of Cumberlands)
Assessing Generative Adversarial Networks for Advanced Deepfake Creation Using Network Analysis
Minakshi Arya (NDSU), Shubhavi Arya (Indiana Univ.), Saatvik Arya (Univ. of Washington)
Human Capital Risk Frameworks
Taylor Hilliard, Rebekah C Magness, Jordan Tribble (DAF-MIT/AIA)
E-Learning Platform for Medical Students
Dany Poly, Ishika Gupta, Hanah Susan Zachariah, Shagufta Rajguru, Rakhi Kalantri (Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Inst. of Tech.)

2-2: Graph Analytics & Network Science 2 Session (12:30-13:45)

Co-Chairs: K.Cain & F. Indiviglio

Property Graphs in Arachne
Oliver Alvarado Rodriguez, Fernando Vera Buschmann, Zhihui Du, David Bader (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)
Opportunistic Query Execution on SmartNICs for Analyzing In-Transit Data
Jianshen Liu, Carlos Maltzahn (UC Santa Cruz), Craig Ulmer (SNL)
Parallel Algorithms for Computing Jaccard Weights on Graphs using Linear Algebra
Elaheh Hassani, Md Taufique Hussain, Ariful Azad (Indiana Univ.)
Fast Spectral Graph Partitioning with a Randomized Eigensolver
Heliezer J Espinoza (Cal Poly Pomona), Jennifer A Loe, Erik Boman (SNL)

2-3: Graph Analytics & Network Science 3 Session (14:15-15:30)

Co-Chairs: C.Hillegas & X. Sun

Decomposition Based Refinement for the Network Interdiction Problem
Krish Matta (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Xiaoyuan Liu (Fujitsu Research), Ilya Safro (Univ. of Delaware)
TenSQL: An SQL Database Built on GraphBLAS [Outstanding Paper Award]
Jonathan P Roose (SNL), Miheer Vaidya, Ponnuswamy Sadayappan (Univ. of Utah), Siva Rajamanickam (SNL)
A Framework for Analyzing the Robustness of Graph Models
Khaled Abdelaal, Richard Veras (Univ. of Oklahoma)
A Look into a GraphBLAS entry point into an LLVM Lowering Pass, with A Precision Formatting Example
Roy P Gulla (Oasis Gaming)
Mapping of Internet “Coastlines” via Large Scale Anonymized Network Source Correlations
Hayden R Jananthan, Jeremy Kepner, Michael Jones, William Arcand, David Bestor, William Bergeron, Chansup Byun (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Timothy Davis (Texas A&M), Vijay Gadepally (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Daniel Grant (GreyNoise), Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Anna Klein (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Lauren Milechin (MIT), Guillermo Morales (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Andrew Morris (GreyNoise), Julie Mullen, Ritesh Patel (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Alex Pentland (MIT), Sandeep Pisharody, Andrew Prout, Albert Reuther, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Tyler Trigg, Gabriel Wachman, Charles Yee, Peter Michaleas (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

2-4: AI / Machine Learning 1 Session (15:45-17:00)

Co-Chairs: F. Indiviglio & D. Ricke

Advanced Ultra Low-Power Deep Learning Applications with Neuromorphic Computing
Mark Barnell, Courtney Raymond, Lisa Loomis (AFRL), Darrek Isereau, Daniel Brown, Francesca Vidal, Steven Smiley (SRC)
From Words to Watts: Benchmarking the Energy Costs of Large Language Model Inference
Siddharth Samsi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Dan Zhao (NYU), Joseph McDonald (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Baolin Li (Northeastern Univ.), Adam Michaleas, Michael Jones, William Bergeron, Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Divesh Tiwari (Northeastern Univ.) Vijay Gadepally (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Towards the FAIR Asset Tracking across Models, Datasets, and Performance Evaluation Scenarios
Piotr Luszczek, Tokey Tahmid (Univ. of Tennessee)
Continuous Deep Equilibrium Models: Training Neural ODEs Faster by Integrating Them to Infinity [Best Student Paper Award]
Avik Pal, Alan Edelman, Christopher Rackauckas (MIT)
Energy Estimates Across Layers of Computing: From Devices to Large-Scale Applications in Natural Language Processing, Scientific Computing, and Cryptocurrency Mining
Sadasivan Shankar (Stanford Univ.)

2-S1: New Application Frontiers Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: P. Luszczek & H. Mankad

MAVR: Multi-functional Point Cloud Annotations Using Virtual Reality
Xiao Zhang, Zhanhong Huang, Xinming Huang (WPI)
Addressing Endpoint-induced Congestion for Accelerator Scale-Out in a Medium-Scale Domain
Timothy Chong, Venkata Krishnan (Intel)
Automatic Differentiation for Inverse Problems with Applications in Quantum Transport
Ivan Williams, Eric Polizzi (UMass Amherst)
Parallel Quasi-concave Set Function Optimization for Scalability Even without Submodularity
Praneeth Vepakomma (MIT), Yulia Kempner (Holon Inst. of Tech.), Rodmy Paredes Alfaro, Ramesh Raskar (MIT)

2-S2: GraphBLAS BoF Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: T. Mattson and S. McMillan

Wednesday, September 27

3-K: Keynote Session (10:30-11:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

AI for Digital Health & Computational Biology
Dr. Pradeep Dubey (Intel Senior Fellow)

3-1: AI / Machine Learning 2 Session (11:00-12:15)

Co-Chairs: N. Pitsianis & J.Mullen

Asymmetric Grouped Convolutions for Logarithmic Scale Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Li Jing, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Soljacic (MIT)
Contextualizing Enhances Gradient Based Meta Learning for Few Shot Image Classification
Evan Vogelbaum, Rumen Dangovski, Li Jing, Marin Soljacic (MIT)
Image Segmentation with Topological Priors
Shakir Showkat Sofi, Nadezhda Alsahanova (Skolkovo Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)
Robust Fine-Tuning of Vision-Language Models for Domain Generalization
Kevin Vogt-Lowell, Noah Lee, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Marc Vaillant (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
A Massively Parallel BWP Algorithm for Solving Large-Scale Systems of Nonlinear Equations
Bruno Silva (Univ. of Madeira and SRE-RG Madeira), Luiz Guerreiro Lopes (Univ. of Madeira)

Tutorial Session: 3-T (12:15-15:45): Spiral Tutorial

Organizer(s): F. Franchetti & M. Franusich

3-2: AI / Machine Learning 3 Session (12:30-13:45)

Co-Chairs: D. Campbell & L. Brattain

Meta-Learning and Self-Supervised Pretraining for Storm Event Imagery Translation
Ileana Rugina, Rumen Dangovski (MIT), Mark Veillette, Pooya Khorrami (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Brian Cheung (MIT), Olga Simek (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Marin Soljacic (MIT)
Accelerating GNN-based SAR Automatic Target Recognition on HBM-enabled Data-center FPGA
Bingyi Zhang (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC), Carl Busart (DEVCOM Army Research Lab)
An Analysis of Energy Requirement for Computer Vision Algorithms [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Daniel G Edelman, Siddharth Samsi, Joseph McDonald, Adam Michaleas, Vijay Gadepally (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Machine Learning Across Network-Connected FPGAs
Dana Diaconu, Yanyue Xie, Mehmet Gungor, Suranga Handagala, Xue Lin, Miriam Leeser (Northeastern Univ.)
Manifold Transfer Networks for Lens Distortion Rectification
Li Jing, Lay Jain, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Soljacic (MIT)

3-3: AI / Machine Learning 4 Session (14:15-15:30)

Co-Chairs: D. Campbell & L. Brattain

Invited Talk: IARPA AGILE Program
Dr. Bill Harrod (IARPA Program Manager)
Automated Indexing Of TEM Diffraction Patterns Using Machine Learning
Nathaniel Tomczak, Sanmukh Kuppannagari (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Scalable Deep Learning for Pilot Performance Analysis Using Multimodal Physiological Time Series
Noah V Lee (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Patrick Moore (DAF-MIT/AIA), Laura Brattain (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
PaCKD: Pattern-Clustered Knowledge Distillation for Compressing Memory Access Prediction Models
Neelesh Gupta, Pengmiao Zhang (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC)
A Composable Just-In-Time Programming Framework with LLMs and FBP
Andy Vidan, Lars Fiedler (Composable Analytics)

3-4: Scaling HPC Education Session (15:45-17:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Mullen, L. Milechen & H. Jananthan

Invited Talk: Team Building Inside a Highly Decentralized System: The MIT Office of Research Computing and Data
James Cuff (MIT Office of Research Computing and Data)
Invited Talk: High ‘PI’-Performance Computing: Leveraging Raspberry Pis to Introduce Young Learners to HPC, Linux, and Parallel Programming
Arianna Martin (BP, NAG Partner)
Invited Talk: Training Next Generation AI Users & Developers at NCSA
Dr. Daniel S. Katz (Chief Scientist, NCSA, Univ. of Illinois)
Invited Talk: Enhancing Education with AI-Generated Content
Rocael Hernández Rizzardini (Galileo Univ.)
Invited Talk: Building AI Mentors with Custom Indexes, Prompts, Guardrails and APIs
Miguel Amigot II (IBL Education)

3-S1: AI / Machine Learning 5 Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: X. Sun & S. Kuppannagari

G-MAP: A Graph Neural Network-Based Framework for Memory Access Prediction
Abhiram Rao Gorle (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras), Pengmiao Zhang (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC)
Accelerating Multi-Agent DDPG on CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Platform
Samuel Wiggins, Yuan Meng (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC)
Decreasing the Computing Time of Bayesian Optimization using Generalizable Memory Pruning
Alexander E Siemenn, Tonio Buonassisi (MIT)
Creating a Dataset for High-Performance Computing Code Translation using LLMs: A Bridge Between OpenMP Fortran and C++ [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Bin Lei, Caiwen Ding (Univ. of Connecticut), Le Chen, Pei-Hung Lin, Chunhua Liao (LLNL)
ANEDA: Adaptable Node Embeddings for Shortest Path Distance Approximation
Frank Pacini (Boston Univ.), Allison Gunby-Mann (Dartmouth Coll.), Sarel Cohen (Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo), Peter Chin (Dartmouth Coll.)

3-S2: Open SuperComputing Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: K. Keville & Po Hao Chen

Cycle Stealing in Exascale HPC Workloads
Akshaya Bali (Boston Univ.)
MoSAIC, the RISC-V and Mesh Network Prototyping Environment
Farzad Fatollahi-Fard (LBL)

Thursday, September 28

4-K: Keynote Session (10:30-11:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

Linux is Legacy. Hear What Should Replace It.
Prof. Michael Stonebraker (MIT CSAIL & ACM A.M. Turing Award Winner)

4-1: Case Studies & Benchmarking 1 Session (11:00-12:15)

Co-Chairs: H.Badawy & D.Cousins

An Analysis of Accelerator Data-Transfer Modes in NoC-Based SoC Architectures [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Kuan-Lin Chiu, Davide Giri, Luca Piccolboni, Luca Carloni (Columbia Univ.)
High-Level Framework for Solving Systems of the PDEs on Distributed Systems
Yevhen Pankevych, Oleg Farenyuk (Ukrainian Catholic Univ.)
Quantifying OpenMP: Statistical Insights into Usage and Adoption
Tal Kadosh (Ben-Gurion University), Niranjan Hasabnis, Timothy Mattson (Intel), Yuval Pinter (Ben-Gurion University), Gal Oren (Technion)
Solving Sparse Linear Systems via Flexible GMRES with In-Memory Analog Preconditioning
Vasileios Kalantzis, Mark S Squillante, Chai Wah Wu, Anshul Gupta, Shashanka Ubaru, Tayfun Gokmen, Lior Horesh (IBM Research)
Invited Talk: Combining Physical Laws, AI, HPC, and Experiment to Predict Chemical Reactions and Properties
Prof. William Green (MIT ChemE & AAAS Fellow)

Poster Session: 4-P (12:15-14:15) Poster Session

Organizer(s): P. Luszczek & S. Rao

FAxM: FPGA-specific Approximate Multipliers for Accelerators of Machine Learning
Zainab Aizaz, Kavita Khare (Maulana Azad National Inst. of Tech.), Aizaz Tirmizi (IES Coll. of Tech.)
IoT Security: Smart Doorbell to Botnet
Ayyappan Rajesh (UMass Dartmouth)
Nonlinear Spectral Clustering with C++ GraphBLAS [Outstanding Short Paper Award]
Dimosthenis Pasadakis, Olaf Schenk (Univ. della Svizzera italiana), Verner Vlacic, Albert-Jan Yzelman (Huawei Zurich Research Center)
Hypersparse Traffic Matrix Construction using GraphBLAS on a DPU [Outstanding Short Paper Award]
William Bergeron, Michael Jones (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Chase Barber, Kale DeYoung, George Amaiucai, Kaleb Ernst, Nathan Fleming (KSU), Peter Michaleas, Sandeep Pisharody (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Nathan Wells (KSU), Antonio Rosa (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Eugene Y. Vasserman (KSU), Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Spla: Generalized Sparse Linear Algebra Library with Vendor-Agnostic GPUs Acceleration [Outstanding Short Paper Award]
Egor Orachev, Semyon Grigorev (St. Petersburg St. Univ.)
Twiddle Factor Generation for a Vectorized Number Theoretic Transform [Outstanding Short Paper Award]
Patrick J Brinich (Drexel Univ.), Naifeng Zhang, Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Jeremy Johnson (Drexel Univ.)
Optimizing Quotient Filters using Graveyard Hashing [Outstanding Short Paper Award]
Isabelle A Quaye, Temi Taylor (MIT)
Comparison of Quantum Simulators for Variational Quantum Search: A Benchmark Study
Mohammadreza Soltaninia, Junpeng Zhan (Alfred University)
Application of Natural Language Processing Techniques for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Content
Ahmed Muntasir Hossain, Sree Veera Venkata Sai Saran Naraharisetti, Mehdi Mekni (Univ. of New Haven)

4-2: Case Studies & Benchmarking 2 Session (12:30-13:45)

Co-Chairs: C. Long & B. Thoelen

Invited Talk: Observing & Modeling the Earth System: Innovation at NOAA
Frank Indiviglio (CTO, NOAA)
Benchmarking Deep Learning Classifiers for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
Jacob Fein-Ashley, Tian Ye (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC), Carl Busart (DEVCOM Army Research Lab)
AOCL-Compression — A High Performance Optimized Lossless Data Compression Library
S Biplab Raut (AMD)
Performance of Graph Neural Networks for Point Cloud Applications
Dhruv Parikh, Bingyi Zhang (USC), Rajgopal Kannan (DEVCOM Army Research Lab), Viktor K Prasanna (USC), Carl Busart (DEVCOM Army Research Lab)
On the Three P’s of Parallel Programming for Heterogeneous Computing: Performance, Productivity, and Portability [Outstanding Student Paper Award]
Atharva M Gondhalekar, Wu-chun Feng (Virginia Tech)

4-3: Case Studies & Benchmarking 3 Session (14:15-15:30)

Co-Chairs: B. Sroka & B. Thoelen

Leveraging Mixed Precision in Exponential Time Integration Methods [Outstanding Paper Award]
Cody J. Balos, Steven Roberts, David J. Gardner (LLNL)
Exploring Challenges Associated with Employing SmartNICs as General-Purpose HPC Accelerators
Brody Williams, Yong Chen (Texas Tech Univ.), Wendy Poole, Steve Poole (LANL)
A Holistic Optimisation – Success Mantra for HPC Performance
Ashish Bisht, Deepika H V, Haribabu Pasupuleti, S A Kumar, S D Sudarsan (CDAC)
pPython Performance Study
Chansup Byun, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Hayden Jananthan, Michael Jones, Anna Klein, Peter Michaleas (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Lauren Milechin (MIT), Guillermo Morales, Julie Mullen, Andrew Prout, Albert Reuther, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
High-Level Frameworks: Effect on Transformer Inference Time and Power on Embedded GPU Devices
Marika E Schubert (Univ. of Pittsburgh), David Langerman (NSF Center for Space, High-Performance, and Resilient Computing), Alan George (Univ. of Pittsburgh)

4-4: General Purpose GPU Computing Session (15:45-17:00)

Co-Chairs: S.Gottlieb & B.Sroka

Acceleration of Synthetic Aperture Radar for On-board Space Systems
Marc Solé, Ivan Rodriguez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)), David Steenari (ESA), Leonidas Kosmidis (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC))
FAST-CON: a Multi-source Approach for Efficient ST Connectivity on Sparse Graphs
Leonardo Fraccaroli, Rosalba Giugno (Univ. of Verona), Samuele Cancellieri (Univ. Trento), Federico Busato (NVIDIA), Nicola Bombieri (Univ. of Verona)
A GPU Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Negative Subset Disjoint Cycle in a Graph
Piotr Sielski, Akif Coerduek, Hugo Linsenmaier, Alex Fender (NVIDIA)
Multi-Sweep-Line Algorithm for Rectangle Union on GPU and Its Application for VLSI Density Calculation
Chang-Hung Wu, Che-Rung Lee (National Tsing Hua Univ.)

4-S1: AI / Machine Learning 6 Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: J. Mullen & N. Tomczak

Scalable and Portable Pipelines for Predicting 3D Protein Structures on Standalone and HPC systems
Adam Michaleas, Darrell O Ricke (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Lumpy Skin Disease Detection using GUI based Deep Learning model in cattle.
Manjunath Naikar, Anupama S Nandeppanavar, Medha Kudari (KLE Inst. of Tech.)
Machine Learning at the Edge Using Neural Network Processors
Edwin Lee, Michael A Parker, Michael Cervantes, Benjamin Plotner (Raytheon Technologies)
Modeling and Analyzing Wind Velocity at Entrance Doors to Avoid Accidents
Abu Asaduzzaman, Luke Mercer, Md Raihan Uddin, Yoel Woldeyes (Wichita State Univ.)
Bridge Crack Detection using Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm
Rishitha Ponnuru, Anuradha Govada, Uppu Venkata Sai, Dyutik Chaudhary Suryadevara (V.R Siddhatha Engr. Coll.)
Performance Analysis of Graph Neural Networks for Manufacturing Feature Recognition Problem
Igor Betkier, Mateusz Oszczypała (Military Univ. of Technology), Janusz Pobożniak (Cracow Univ. of Tech.), Sergiusz Sobieski (TIZ Implements)

4-S2: Graph Challenge Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

Adaptive Sparse Deep Neural Network Inference on Resource-Constrained Cost-Efficient GPUs [Champion]
Ming Dun, Xu Zhang, Huawei Cao, Yuan Zhang, Junying Huang, Xiaochun Ye (Inst. of Computing Tech, CAS)
GLARE: Accelerating Sparse DNN Inference Kernels with Global Memory Access Reduction [Innovation Award]
Shui Jiang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong), Tsung-Wei Huang (Univ. of Wisconsin), Tsung-Yi Ho (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
An Integrated Approach to Accelerating Stochastic Block Partitioning [Champion]
Frank D Wanye (Virginia Tech), Vitaliy Gleyzer, Edward Kao (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Wu-chun Feng (Virginia Tech)
uSAP: An Ultra-Fast Stochastic Graph Partitioner [Innovation Award]
Chih-Chun Chang, Tsung-Wei Huang (Univ. of Wisconsin)
RaftGP: Random Fast Graph Partitioning [Innovation Award]
Yu Gao (Huawei Technologies), Meng Qin (HKUST), Yibin Ding, Li Zeng, Chaorui Zhang, Weixi Zhang, Wei Han, Rongqian Zhao, Bo Bai (Huawei Technologies)
Decontentioned Stochastic Block Partition [Honorable Mention]
Ahsen J Uppal (George Washington Univ.), Thomas Rolinger (Laboratory for Physical Sciences), H. Howie Huang (George Washington Univ.)
SMOG: Accelerating Subgraph Matching on GPUs [Champion]
Zhibin Wang, Ziheng Meng (Nanjing Univ.), Xue Li (Alibaba), Xi Lin (NJU), Long Zheng (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Tech.), Chen Tian, Sheng Zhong (Nanjing Univ.)
Triangle Counting Through Cover-Edges [Student Innovation Award]
David A Bader, Fuhuan Li, Anya Ganeshan, Ahmet Gundogdu, Jason Lew, Oliver Alvarado Rodriguez, Zhihui Du (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)
Fast Triangle Counting [Innovation Award]
David A Bader (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)

Friday, September 29

5-K: Keynote Session (10:30-11:00)

Co-Chairs: J. Kepner & A. Reuther

A Supercomputer in a Shoebox
Dr. Ivan Sutherland (von Neumann Medal & ACM A.M. Turing Award Winner)

5-1: Quantum & Advanced Processor Architectures Session (11:00-12:15)

Co-Chairs: C. Byun & D. Ricke

Lincoln AI Computing Survey (LAICS)
Albert Reuther, Peter Michaleas, Michael Jones, Vijay Gadepally, Siddharth Samsi, Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Accelerating Garbled Circuits in the Open Cloud Testbed with Multiple Network-Attached FPGAs
Kai Huang (Google), Mehmet Gungor, Suranga Handagala, Stratis Ioannidis, Miriam Leeser (Northeastern Univ.)
UNet Performance with Wafer Scale Engine (Optimization Case Study)
Vyacheslav Romanov (NETL)
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Multilevel Approach for Maximum Cuts on Graphs
Anthony Angone (Univ. of Delaware), Xiaoyuan Liu (Fujitsu Research), Ruslan Shaydulin (JPMorgan Chase), Ilya Safro (Univ. of Delaware)
Optimization and Performance Analysis of Shor’s Algorithm in Qiskit
Dewang Sun, Naifeng Zhang, Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)

Poster Session: 5-P (12:15-14:15) Poster Session

Chair(s)/Host(s): D. Enright & TBD

FFTX-IRIS: A Dynamic Execution System for Heterogeneous Platforms
Sanil Rao, Het Mankad (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Mohammad Alaul Haque Monil (ORNL), Het Mankad (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Jeffrey Vetter (ORNL), Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
EVPFFTX: A First Look at FFTX Applications in Material Science
Het Mankad (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Andrea Rovinelli, Miroslav Zecevic (LANL), Peter McCorquodale (LBNL), Franz Franchetti, Naifeng Zhang, Sanil Rao (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), R. A. Lebensohn, Laurent Capolungo (LANL)
SRAM Performance Tuning Via Flex-Gate Biasing
Elijah E Racz, Maher Rizkalla (Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis), Trond Ytterdal (NTNU), John Lee (Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis)
The Use of Differential Equations to Model Multiprocessors Architecture
Ricardo Citro, Kayla Zantello (Grand Canyon Univ.)
A Comparison of the Performance of the Molecular Dynamics Simulation Package GROMACS Implemented in the SYCL and CUDA Programming Models
Leonard Apanasevich, Yogesh Kale, Himanshu Sharma, Ana Marija Sokovic (Univ. of Illinois Chicago)
P2Prop: A Benchmarking Tool for Assessing Power to Performance Proportionality in HPC-grade GPUs
Ghazanfar Ali (Texas Tech Univ.)

5-2: ASIC/FPGA Advances & Design Tools 1 Session (12:30-13:45)

Co-Chairs: J. Hughes & B. Thoelen

Pruning Binarized Neural Networks Enables Low-Latency, Low-Power FPGA-Based Handwritten Digit Classification
Syamantak Payra (Stanford Univ.), Gabriel Loke, Yoel Fink, Joseph Steinmeyer (MIT)
Leveraging Mathworks Tools to Accelerate the Prototyping of Custom 5G Applications in Hardware
Joshua Geyster, Karen Gettings, Paul Monticciolo, Matthew Rebholz (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Generating High-Performance Number Theoretic Transform Implementations for Vector Architectures
Naifeng Zhang (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Austin Ebel, Negar Neda (New York Univ.), Benedict Reynwar, Andrew G. Schmidt (USC Information Sciences Institute), Brandon Reagen (New York Univ.), Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
Selective Encryption of Compressed Image Regions on the Edge with Reconfigurable Hardware
Justin Kawakami, Dominik Zajac, Miriam Leeser (Northeastern Univ.)
Quantifying the Gap Between Open-Source and Vendor FPGA Place and Route Tools
Shachi Vaman Khadilkar (UMass Lowell), Ahmed Sanaullah (Red Hat Research), Martin Margala (Univ. of Louisiana)

5-3: ASIC/FPGA Advances & Design Tools 2 Session (14:15-15:30)

Co-Chairs: J. Hughes & D. Ricke

Errant Beam Detection Using the AMD Versal ACAP and Vitis AI
Anthony M Cabrera, Yigit Yucesan, Frank Liu, Willem Blokland, Jeffrey S Vetter (ORNL)
Improved Models for Policy-Agent Learning of Compiler Directives in HLS
Robert P Munafo, Hafsah Shahzad (Boston Univ.), Ahmed Sanaullah, Sanjay Arora, Uli Drepper (Red Hat), Martin Herbordt (Boston Univ.)
Feature-Oriented FSMs for FPGAs
Justin Deters (SimpleRose), Peyton Gozon, Max Camp-Oberhauser, Ron K. Cytron (Washington Univ. St. Louis)
Towards a Flexible Hardware Implementation for Mixed-Radix Fourier Transforms
Mario Vega, Xiaokun Yang, John Shalf, Doru Thom Popovici (LBNL)
Tyche: A Compact and Configurable Accelerator for Scalable Probabilistic Computing on FPGA
Yashash Jain, Utsav Banerjee (IIS Bangalore)

5-4: Advanced Multicore Software Technologies 1 Session (15:45-17:00)

Co-Chairs: C. Byun & C. Long

Invited Talk: The Confluence of HPC, Data and AI for Science
Dr. Sudip Dosanjh (NERSC Director, LBL)
Finding Your Niche: An Evolutionary Approach to HPC Topologies [Best Paper Award]
Stephen J. Young, Joshua Suetterlein, Jesun Firoz, Joseph Manzano, Kevin Barker (PNNL)
IRIS-DMEM: Efficient Memory Management for Heterogeneous Computing [Outstanding Paper Award]
Narasinga Rao Miniskar, Mohammad Alaul Haque Monil, Pedro Valero-Lara, Frank Y. Liu, Jeffrey S. Vetter (ORNL)
The Aggressive Oversubscribing Scheduling for Interactive Jobs on a Supercomputing System
Shohei Minami, Toshio Endo, Akihiro Nomura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
In-Place Multi-Core SIMD FFTs
Benoît Dupont de Dinechin (Kalray), Julien Hascoët (INSA Rennes, IETR / Kalray), Orégane Desrentes (INSA Lyon, CITI and Kalray)

5-S1: Advanced Multicore Software Technologies 2 Special (17:30-19:30)

Co-Chairs: D. Enright & S. Shankar

Multiarchitecture Hardware Acceleration of Hyperdimensional Computing
Ian Peitzsch, Mark Ciora, Alan George (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Optimizing Compression Schemes for Parallel Sparse Tensor Algebra
Helen Xu (LBNL), Tao B. Schardl (MIT CSAIL), Michael Pellauer (NVIDIA), Joel Emer (MIT CSAIL)
ProtoX: A First Look
Het Mankad, Sanil Rao (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Phillip Colella, Brian Van Straalen (LBNL), Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
Dynamic Data Partitioning in the WAFL File System
Jian Hu, Matthew Curtis-Maury, Vinay Devadas (NetApp)
Accelerating Training Data Generation Using Optimal Parallelization and Thread Counts
Jonathan Levine, Leonard MacEachern (Carleton Univ.)
Build Energy-Efficient GPU Computing Environment for Machine Learning Algorithms with Register File Packing Technique
Xin Wang (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Wei Zhang (Univ. of Louisville)